March 20, 2024
3 min read

How to: Retain Customer Loyalty With Value In Your Brand

When you think you've given too much away - give more.

Remember: Value is the creme de la creme of a customer's stake in a company in this era.

When companies are competing on social media through online sales, we no longer rely simply on the provider who lives the closest.

Customers have a choice. WE have to ensure they choose YOU.

Ask yourself:

How do you make your clients feel "special"?

Is it making them feel as if they're a part of an access-only club?

Is it the consistency you give them?

Is it your quality and service every time you show up for them?

Are you reliable in getting the job done?

Are you providing more information than they thought they needed?

We tell our kids, nieces, and nephews to:

"Treat people how you want to, be treated"

- Yet forget to apply this into our marketing strategy every single time.

How would you feel if you stepped into a clothing store for the first time and they treated you as if you were (Your excellency)?  You'd be floored!

Even if the top or trousers weren't the best, you'd be eager to step into the shop again because you remembered that customer experience.

By providing repeatable brand interactions, businesses not only have return customers but also receive referrals.  People want to recommend what they enjoy! It's just in our nature as social creatures.

Now..Take this online.  It's the same thing!

Remember to go above and beyond for what your customers think they might need and provide extra service, value, and opportunities to go above and beyond with the customer experience.

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